Tuesday, October 6, 2015

I stood confused, like a high school freshman on the first day of school, searching gate B-3 to find a seat. Any seat.  Finally finding one, I plopped down right there in front of the trash can and claimed it as my turf.  To be honest, no one was going to fight me over my spot, it was quite stinky.
      This was the second time this week that I found myself in a less than confident situation involving sitting.  I was in my friends garage in Brentwood, Tennessee.  My mission was to simply run to Walmart for a Red Bull and some supplies.  But my friend drives a 2012 BMW.  It’s basically equivalent to a space ship.  I sat in the dark of the garage for about twenty minutes attempting to start the dang car.  I couldn’t do it.  Key was in, buttons were pushed, and absolutely nothing was happening.  Finally, I FaceTimed my friend to have him explain it too me, which took a while seeing as he was dying laughing.  I was pretty embarrassed, and the issue wasn't even that big of a deal.
These two scenarios had me thinking, “If I can’t handle finding a seat at the airport gate, or starting a car, how in the world am I going to handle living in Kenya for two months?”
To be honest, on my own, I stand zero chance.   But by the grace of the Creator that I believe in, I can absolutely survive anything.  Anything that comes my way is minuscule compared to the things God can handle.  God's abilities utterly dwarf my own.   I can’t even fathom the way that he’s in control right now.

My adventure has begun.  And with it has come the  realization that God’s sovereign hand has always been on me, and always will.  I don’t have to worry about stupid scenarios like finding a seat or starting a luxury sedan.  He has the whole big picture taken care of.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful. Your mind is amazing with words, like painting a picture with a steady hand. Our amazing Creator has blessed you with a magnificent talent: putting words where they belong, writing.
    Prayers go out to you while you conquer trials and tribulations, knowing that God's sovereign hand has placed you right where you are.
    God's timing works perfectly and our PATIENCE is a necessity when we set out to work diligently for the Lord.
    All praise be to Him!

